The third pre-order & more

So it's summer but we're already looking ahead to next year, and that's why we've just opened another pre-order period. With options available for you to pre-order your Klub or Hell bib shorts, jerseys & skinsuits, get your order in by 15th August to receive at the end of September.

Next year our plans are to see more & more of you getting out there in the DRK colours, so much so that we'll be British Cycling registered, meaning any one of you can go along to your local race series, and sign up under the Das Rad Klub name. The only stipulation being that you will have to ride in the Hell kit (at least jersey) as these are the colours we've decided to register with British Cycling, making you stand out a little more in the peloton. We really would love to see more riders racing with us, and we will be at a vast amount of races here in the west country, but there's no harm in you & your friends racing with us no matter where you are in the country, or world for that matter!

But this doesn't stop at road racing, we'd love to see riders representing on track, at fixed gear races, and off road too, whether it be cyclocross or MTB (our Bristol MTB division currently wear Klub kit as it hides the dirt a little easier, but that may change...).

Please get in touch if you have any questions, or want to know anything else about racing, or kit, or orders, or anything else.

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